Dr. Satish Gupta is a distinguished scientist at the Department of Atomic Energy, India, and Senior Professor of Physics at Homi Bhabha National Institute, India. He received his PhD from BARC, India. He has been visiting the Washington State University, USA, and Caltech, USA. Currently, Dr. Gupta is leading the activities of the Applied Physics Division of BARC, India. His current research interests concern shock waves. He is recipient of many awards including the MRSI Medal (2000), the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) special contribution award (2006), the Indian Nuclear Society award (2008), the DAE Group Achievement Award (2010). He chaired the 23rd AIRAPT International Conference in Mumbai, India, 2011. He was elected member of the AIRAPT Executive Committee in 2011. E-mail: satish_cgupta@yahoo.com