Rajeev Ahuja

Rajeev AhujaRajeev Ahuja

Rajeev Ahuja is Professor of Material Theory at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Sweden. He has published more than 500 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals, whereof over 60 are in high profile journals (such as The Physical Review Letters, Science, Nature, Nature Materials, PNAS). He was awarded the Wallmarkska prize for 2011 from Royal Swedish Society, Eder Lilly and Sven Thureus prize in 2005 and Benzelius prize in 2001 from the Royal Society of Sciences. He was also awarded Rådforskare position which special senior researcher position awarded by the Swedish Research Council on very competitive basis (2003-09). He was Elected member of Kungliga Vetenskaps-Societeten, Sweden, May, 2011. He was elected member of the AIRAPT Executive Committee in 2009. E-mail: rajeev.ahuja@physics.uu.se