Postdoctoral position in IR and THz spectroscopy under high pressure at variable temperatures.
Using the broadband and brilliant radiation in the infrared and THz range of the synchrotron radiation source ANKA, materials under extreme conditions can be characterized spectroscopically. Exotic electronic and structural states of matter will be induced under extreme conditions and studied by transmission and reflection measurements. We are seeking a postdoctoral candidate for the development of the instrumentation to carry out such high-pressure infrared spectroscopy experiments in a diamond anvil pressure cell at variable temperatures. The project also involves the testing of the new instrumentation and the commissioning at ANKA.
The successful candidate must hold a PhD in physics, materials sciences or earth science. Experience in infrared spectroscopy at high pressure and a strong background in solid state physics would be considered as an advantage. The major scientific interests of the candidate should be reflected by her/his scientific publications.
The position is available from 1. July 2013 and initially for one year. It can be extended up to three years, depending on the scientific progress.
The application, including the cv, list of publications, statement of research interests, and contact details of two references should be sent to:
Prof. Dr. Christine Kuntscher
Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik II,
Institut für Physik
Universität Augsburg
Universitätsstr. 1,
D-86159 Augsburg, Germany.
Tel.: +49-(0)821-598-3315