[20100919] IUCr High-Pressure Workshop 2010 (Gatlinburg TN, USA, September 19-23, 2010)

International Workshop on STRUCTURE UNDER EXTREME CONDITIONS OF PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE in Gatlinburg TN, USA, 19-23 September 2010.

The workshop is organised by the Commission on High Pressure of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr, http://www.iucr.org) with the support of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the high pressure neutron scattering group. The local organising group is headed by Dr Chris Tulk.

This conference will cover the whole range of activities of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Commission on High Pressure: This conference will cover the whole range of activities of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Commission on High Pressure: Crystal structures and phase transitions, new materials, Earth and planetary science, soft and biological matter, physical and chemical properties, theory and computation, technique developments for high pressure studies on synchrotron, neutron and laboratory-based facilities. The conference will continue the sequence of meeting organised by the IUCr Commission on High Pressure (ESRF 1998, Argonne 1999, Spring-8 2000, Orsay 2002, Berkeley 2003, Saskatoon 2004, Dubna 2006, Oxford 2007, Harbin 2009).

The tentative list of main topics includes:
1. Crystal structures and phase transitions
2. Amorphous, liquid, non-crystalline and nanocrystalline solids
3. Magnetic and electronic phenomena at high pressure
4. Simple organic systems
5. Biological solids
6. Materials Science
7. Chemistry
8. Geosciences and planetary sciences
9. Theory and computation
10. Techniques for high-pressure studies

Contributions in all areas within or closely related to the broad area of high-pressure crystallography will be welcome.

Financial support will be available to encourage for students and early-career scientists to attend the meeting.

Abstracts for oral and poster contributions can be submitted through the conference web site, http://neutrons.ornl.gov/conf/IUCr2010/registration.shtml. The deadline is 30th June 2010.

More details are available at the conference web site: http://neutrons.ornl.gov/conf/IUCr2010